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Field Electronic Drums and Cymbals

Started by hemiboy, July 12, 2014, 02:43:55 AM

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A while ago I posted about any info anybody had on these products . They are a drum maker in Florida, USA. Which makes an acoustic-  electronic hybrid which is supposed to have a unique triggering system. I originally guessed that it was a copy or similar to an Inhead or even a drop in cake pan that attaches to, but is removable from  the Mylar or mesh head on top. They ship with Mylar heads but claim they can be used with meshes.They also make three different finishes on their electronic cymbals, a brilliant , a bronze , and another, I forget, like an antique looking black/ bronze or something . Anyway, anybody own these? I thought they would be popular here like Diamond and Jobeky are overseas. I asked them for a picture or description of their triggers, and no response, twice! That was at least 6 months ago. Trying again tonite! Thought by now somebody might be using them  with 2 box or a TD 30


Dude, I had the same experience, or lack thereof more like it. If anything, I'd love a set of these cymbals as that would make my drum life with my 2Box kit (going on 4 years) freakin' sweet. Post back here if you end up hearing from them. Cheers d00d!


I never heard back tried several  times. I liked the drums and cymbals just wanted more info. They are still advertising!


Anybody else know what is up with Field drums?


Not sure where they're advertising, but certainly not with us. I have had some contact with them and believe they are working on new products.


why dont'you try this new italian e-drums?
hgh level quality
he's my friend  :rock:


 Only looking for basic info on their cymbals and was curious what kind of triggers they were using in their drums


Got in touch with Tom Field, owner o f Field drums and he says he is working with a bunch of new concepts for triggers for both his e drums and cymbals. Also he said there  is also a 2 box hi hat in the works, too. Nothing ready for release  as far as the hi hat goes but his drums and cymbals appear to be available now on Field Electronic them out they,look nice. His cymbals are available in single, double, and triple zones in the different finishes, brilliant,  a plain shiny brass, and an antique looking brass


Yeah those prices can wake up a sleepimg man!