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cubase and 2box

Started by numbnuts, April 06, 2010, 08:52:05 PM

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Really need some advice here so please post with any suggestions.

I have a 2box all set up to cubase 5 so it records through midi on a specific midi track in cubase, that is all well and good and that is what i want to do - but what i would like to add to this is the option of recording(or is it triggering) a software synth  at the same time - for example i would like to hit the snare and actually play a synth note when i hit the snare. i would like to have two midi tracks recording in this fashion. - One midi track is just the original drum it5 track, but with another midi track that plays synth noises or notes when i hit certain parts of the kit. Iam new to cubase, so iam not sure if this can be done. i just wondered if anyone knew how to set this up in cubase (or alternative recording software) I really need you help here. i used to be able to do this before i had a pc - and i would have a old hardware drummachine to trigger notes to my oscar synth through midi. i cannot seem to achieve this now with everything bieng software based instead of hardware based as it used to be. suggestions welcome - iam lost with pc recording - espiecially when i want to just have some intersting midi triggering to take place whilst recording


i don't use Cubase so i can't help with exact instructions, but it should be fairly straightforward. it's simply a matter of multiple tracks sharing the same MIDI input...


Yes this is possible.

Create 2 midi tracks in cubase. 1 track for the 2box and 1 track for your softsynth. This last track can also be an instrument track as long as it's sending it's incoming notes to the softsynth. Set the midi input of both tracks to the midi input on which the 2box is connected and click the record button on both tracks. Now your 2box will be triggering a softsynth. BUT... It will probably sound like crap, because the drum pads of the 2box aren't set to a musical scale. For example: the Kick=C, snare=D and hihat=E instead of Kick=C, snare=E and hihat=G to get C Major. I think it's better to use a software sampler like Battery. Then you can add a sample for every note triggered by the 2box and tune it to your liking.


one can also change the MIDI notes sent by the 2box or just make a drum map - with which you can trigger any note you want with any input note you have...

with this setup, latency of the softsynth might be a problem...


A good sound card will decrease the latency to a minimum.


not the latency of the softsynth...


With current cpu speeds you won't be able the hear the latency of the softsynth itself. Only a soundcard without good asio drivers will result in a latency you'll be able to hear.


it's not as if one could gerneralise this, cause it all depends on the specific setup - directly monitoring the drum audio while adding the signal generated by the softsynth e.g. via the line in might result in annoying audible delay --- depending also on the type of sound the softsynth produces --- very small latencies change the feel of drumming drastically - at least for me


Quote from: numbnuts on April 06, 2010, 08:52:05 PM

I have a 2box all set up to cubase 5 so it records through midi on a specific midi track in cubase

Hi how did you do it?, I tried following this tutorial but at the end I'm not able to hear my 2box in my PC....