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Hi-Hat Controller Broken-What to do?

Started by strongleftleg, March 01, 2013, 04:46:27 PM

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My hi-hat controller recently stopped working, all symptoms point to a faulty hall effect sensor. I am getting no response over the past week from the store I bought the kit from. 2box themselves responded to email right away and said I need to go through the seller of the kit for warranty. I'm pretty disappointed to have a failure like this with so little playing time on the kit (bought new 2012). What are my options if I cant get something figured out under warranty? I hear the 2box hi-hat controllers are very hard to find right now.
The Zildgian Gen16 $500 hi-hat/ride package looks intriguing. How does it interface with the 2box module, if at all?
Any other ideas? I'm dying to play my kit properly again and want a permanent solution.



Contact your local seller. Importers have been known to go to great lengths to help 2box customers.


Thomann has them in stock. They seem to be able to get stock from 2box where other distributors struggle.


Controller was broken, replaced by distributor under warranty.



My HiHat controller just stopped working in that it won't recognize pedel hight. It is always in the open position. Re-calibration doesn't help. Any ideas? Something that should be covered by warranty? I bought them in october.



I would email 2box.  Not much you can do about It I think.

  I'm on my third hihat since New Year, and the only thing keeping me from hating my life and this purchase is simply how good Bengt at 2box has been with me.  I'm not the most patient person ever and I have demands for quality that can surely be hard to deal with so kudos to him!

I have been playing over 20 years, and the know thing IMO holding this baby back is the hihat.  When it works it does the job quite well, but the constant failures have me rethinking my idea of using this kit in pressure live situations or recording where accuracy of every hit is critical.  It only takes one fuck up to have your band mates sour on the idea or a tracking session with a mess of mistriggers..

I guess what I'm saying is please fix the hihats!  I know the drumit 5 isn't up there in price like the Roland's, but from a customer perspective this is how I feel.  All the great advantages of the 2box (sample quality, pad sizes, etc) won't matter much if the reliability and trigger components are not bulletproof.

Again, Bengt and the 2box staff have been amazing, hassle free replacements, never gives me grief.  Not ripping on him or the company at all, just hoping they realize they have a problem here and can get these things going properly for their new North American efforts with TAMA.

I does lead me to wonder, murgen and some of you fine veterans, what are the options?  Gen16 hats integrate with 2box?  Any mods that a clueless idiot could either build or buy?  I'd also like the same answers as Aaron!