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Messages - UC

General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Pearl Epro live
January 25, 2010, 12:40:48 PM
Just email me the Powerpoint slides :D
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Pearl Epro live
January 25, 2010, 10:51:25 AM
Hi Calimero, I actually agree with you on a lot of points. Hard in forums not to come across as only 'black and white'...I can do grey too :)

I saw the bit where he mentioned he's a TD20 owner, so yeah my argument is perhaps a little unfair. My situation was that in the last few years I nearly made the decision to buy a TD20 a few times, after having had my DD4 for 5 or 6 years, but I could never justify the spend to myself (perhaps if drumming was my day job...). I ended up putting meshes on my DD4s and getting BFD2 (and I'm glad I did).

As for the 2box hardware, I'm using my own double kick pedal, hihat stand, and some gibraltar-type clamps from my old rack, for my DDrums. The only reason I don't use the supplied hihat is because of the overcrowding on the 2box rack (which by the way is happily hosting  an extra couple of DD4 cymbals and solid aluminium cast precision pads!).

2box themselves have said many times that they fully expect people to use their own hardware for any 'pro type' use - ie gigging etc. But what they have supplied does just fine if you're just starting out. As for the looks, well, to each his own. If / when 2box release the extra cross bar for the rack, I'll be buying one, as sure the rack has a bit of an oscillation, but it hasn't slipped once so far.

I think you're right - getting the module out would not be a bad idea at all.

They'd have to call it the 1box though :)
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Pearl Epro live
January 25, 2010, 09:44:06 AM
Quote from: wbrs on January 25, 2010, 02:03:06 AM
Is that right UC?
you're quite right wbrs, i don't know if he's played one, which is why i stated for the record that i'm not saying his opinion is worthless, i was merely refuting his claim that the kit is a flimsy piece of crap. and if money really was no object i would really, honestly, rather have a second 2box kit (and maybe a third!) for the same money some people spend on a's not just fanboyism, i really don't think roland's machinegun modelling justifies the ridiculous price tag. gotta remember i was in the "ddrum is best" camp, but i feel i've spent enough time testing roland kits on which to base my opinion :)
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Pearl Epro live
January 24, 2010, 05:12:28 PM
QuoteThe 2 BOX kit may hold the answer but their pads look like fragile crap, cant believe ex DDRUM engineers would produce such a flimzy piece of poop rack and pads.
I think we all know that's a bunch of arse.

Not saying his opinion is worthless or anything but if If I had $4-$6k to spend on e-drums I'd get a couple of 2box kits ;D
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
January 24, 2010, 10:23:14 AM
hi walter, i use a double kick pedal on mine...i do find the left beater triggers more quietly, but it's down to the position i think. when i get time i think l'm going to try and mod the pedal's clamp or make some kind of packing piece so i  can mount it so the beaters are the same distance from the sensor that lives under the striking pad. i don't play blast beats, for me the double kick is more for the occasional heavy fill (big primus fan :)) ...i think for the serious metaller, i'd recommend testing the 2box with a bunch of pedals to see which is most compatible....or wait till you can buy extra pads, and play 2 kick pads through a 6.35mm jack splitter into the kick input.
Hi Neil
I don't have Ezdrummer or Superior but I found that switching my hihat over to CC4 dramatically improved things with BFD2...,256.0.html
Hope that helps
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
January 23, 2010, 07:59:34 PM
Quote from: wbrs on January 23, 2010, 06:24:29 PM
I  think your right Mr Inn plastic is cheaper and less durable. Wether it works better is yet to be seen.

My kit has the polycarbonate rims, and having spent many hours on a 1st generation demo kit in the shop with the aluminium rims, I can't tell the difference tbh. I can't imagine either type breaking unless you're the incredible hulk, and I'm pretty sure there's no difference in terms of response.
Quote from: nonoduweb on January 23, 2010, 01:34:50 PM
I think your software is too expensive, but you have made a good job.  :)
I think the fact the money isn't going into Louis' own pocket is pretty damn cool :)
DrumIt 5 Hardware / Re: Hi hat problems
January 22, 2010, 11:36:18 PM
I know what you mean, I think Deve Loper maybe sometimes forgets that not everyone thinks in binary   ;)

The key question I suppose is, have you calibrated your hihat like this:

...It's pretty important not to change the height of the top hat once you've found your 'sweet spot', because that breaks the calibration.

You could even mark the hihat rod with some tape, once you've found your most comfortable setting (or use another hi hat clutch as a 'memory lock').

The calibration method tells the brain what is open, and what is closed, and the brain gives each end a value, and can then work out a set of measures inbetween (this is the 'linear' bit - just like centimetres marked on a ruler). It plays a hi hat sample (or mix of samples) based on where it is measuring the hi hat at any moment.

The hi hat test sample is a set of spoken samples that will help you understand how far open or closed the brain thinks you're playing the hi hat. There are 4 measures.

You'll need to download the file to a Windows PC and use a USB cable (same as you get with most printers) to load it into the 2box brain. To do this, switch off the brain, plug in the USB cable, and when you start the brain up you need to quickly press the top left button above the screen, to put the brain into USB Mode. Windows should then see your brain like it's a USB memory stick, so you can drag the test dsnd file into the right place - makes sense to put it in X:\Cymbal\Hihat - where X is the drive letter that comes up in My Computer for the Drumit Five.

You need to then shut down the brain (I always use the Safely Remove Hardware icon next to the clock in Windows - I've lost important data before just pulling out the cable).

You can then start the brain up again normally, and press the "kit" button, page down once to the DRUM page, and press the hihat button on the left side of the brain. Then dial the "Drum" knob to the Test Hi Hat, and start hitting that hi hat and listening to that lovely American lady count from 1 to 4 - free set of broken drumsticks for the first person who can get her to say "eleven" :D

Also, have you played with any of the settings in the brain? eg threshold, curve etc?:

when you press UNIT -> Page Down (once) so you see DRUM vertically in the side panel.
press the hihat button to select that instrument

Before you start playing with these settings, make a note of what they are first so you can at least come back to where you were if things get messed up.

Hope this helps - let us know how you get on :)

Other e-drum systems / Re: New E-drum Magazine
January 21, 2010, 10:25:53 AM
Hi Allan

Thanks for dropping by :). Consider me signed up!

The emag thing is an interesting format, but is there any way to get the content on my phone?

hope the magazine does well!
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: 8 individual outputs?
January 20, 2010, 12:37:51 PM
hey ppl

I was about to buy a load of seperate mono leads from - but I had an issue with their online store and ended up talking to one of their technical chaps called Chris who was really helpful - and he pointed me at the 8-way looms they've got on offer at the moment:

6 metre unbalanced Jack to Jack - £49.99 inc VAT

EDIT: oops posted wrong product. Attention to detail perhaps not my strongest point!

...I'll let you know if they're any good (or pick up Radio 1 ;D)
Quote from: roel on January 19, 2010, 07:10:26 PM
I think I am the biggest 2box fanboy here behind you puttenvr :rock:

*cough cough*
They'rew totally different. One is red, the other is dark grey / black. One says DDrum4 Pearl, and the other says Alesis!
Time for a group hug I think.

General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: 2box wishlist...
January 16, 2010, 01:04:03 AM
Not with an OS patch, that's for sure :)