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your music / Re: So Long.... (for a while)
February 09, 2010, 02:32:16 PM
Fantastic news about the tour, that's wicked mate. be taking your wee orange beastie with you?

Hope it goes really well - stick up some youtubery if you get the chance

General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Where's the light
February 08, 2010, 03:15:02 PM
Quote from: puttenvr on February 08, 2010, 06:14:58 AM
I am gonna get a Alesis right now

Do that and I'll ban you ;D
The only reason I ask is that when I'm tweaking variables, I sometimes forget to save when I get carried away playing -that's when I sometimes notice the snare lagging - but when I save the kit, the lag goes away. I wonder if it's because the brain is trying to change the displayed instrument variables, while you're hitting them all :)
Hey Mcleod, do you have any settings open when you hear the latency? Ie. in a drum configuration page, without having saved changes to the kit?
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Pearl Epro live
February 05, 2010, 09:41:45 AM
I'm with you on that one Alain - (although I can see the attraction in sexy shells - been nearly ten years since I last had my Pearl Export set up and I miss the old girl)

I remember seeing my first DD4 kit "in the flesh" at Rose Morris back in the Year 2000 - was with the solid cast aluminium pads, on a solid rack - my jaw hit the floor and I decided I had to get one. And then I played on it and decided I was going to buy that, much battered, demo one right there, with no thought for coneseqences. Who needs to eat or pay the rent anyway?

? the corners of my mind.... ?

Other e-drum systems / Re: New E-drum Magazine
February 05, 2010, 09:33:35 AM
Hey puttenvr - no stone-throwing in glass houses please  :P
Hey Louis, congrats on v1.0!

I just made a sabian hi-hat from my BFD2 library to test it with. BFD2 has Edge (Tip) + Bow (Shank) hits for open, quarter, half, three quarter, and closed (plus pedal)....and each hit has like 50 variant samples to avoid machine-gunning, and each variant is multisampled for mic positions ...And there are 7 hats to choose from....Mama mia that's a spicy meatballs.

For mine I only used Edge and Bow for open + half + closed + pedal for the test. I only chose the first variant of each hit and exported a flattened wav for one of each hit ... given more time and patience I'd like to do it with more control over the mic positions in each hit - even with my simple test sound it was still a lot of clicking, but it sounds really good.

Going forwards, it would definitely be easier to just set up the hits in my sequencer and export them from there, so I can use BFD's mic mixer, rather than trying to tweak the multisamples in Audacity. That way I could probably bang through all 7 hats fairly quickly.

Anyway, thanks again for DSound Tool, it's brilliant. Can't wait to explore it more.
must admit i don't know, but if you go into UNIT you can select mono or stereo input for the kick so that might help...
wilkommen Tim - hope you get your kit sooner rather than later :)
2 kick drums will rock  :rock:

You need one of these

or one of these (can't remember if you need mono or stereo but I'm sure there's a setting in the brain to tell it what type of input you're using)

oh and you'll need another jack-to-jack lead (mono/stereo?)

I've tested this out with a DDrum + 2box kick going into the 2box brain and it worked no problem, although the levels were slightly different - but 2 x 2box kicks should work fine I guess :)
Aha...Google is your friend :)

You can indeed launch a jar file from the command line, with the following command:

java -jar yourfile.jar

As well as this you can assign "Jar Launcher" as the default app. to use when you double-click a jar file, as follows (I don't believe you need the developer tools installed for this):

Click once on the .jar file in the Finder and then from the menubar in the Finder select File -> Get Info". Click on "Open with" and from the popup menu select "Other". A file browser window will open. In this window, go to the /System/Library/CoreServices folder and select 'Jar Launcher'. Then make sure the "Always Open With" checkbox is checked and then click Add. Then click the "Change all" button so that any jar file will be opened automatically. Finally, close the Info window and now when you double-click any of your jar files they should run automatically.

Hope that works...
Salut Alain

Have you unzipped the zip file? You should get 2 folders and a .jar and a .bat (you can ignore the .bat, that's for windows).

What happens when you double-click the .jar file?
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: 2box wishlist...
January 28, 2010, 01:40:41 PM
Je comprends totalement. Le langue Francais, c'est vachement stupide :p

*just kidding* give me a bottle of wine and some pleasant Grenouille company and I'm very happy indeed ;D
Hey sLmT, sorry to hear that :(

I would definitely say take it back to the shop to get fixed - you don't want to invalidate up your warranty and then not be able to get it fixed for free - what country are you in?

hope it gets sorted soon
Setup guides and tips / Re: List of sounds in module
January 28, 2010, 11:43:03 AM
nice one Neil  :)