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General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
February 18, 2010, 02:39:03 PM
Quote from: hwasser on February 18, 2010, 02:25:55 PM
Heard a lot of great things about the 2box lately, on the swedish music forums one deathmetal guy said it was the most responsive e-drum he have ever played! ;)
*trying hard to resist making a joke about the sensitivity of deathmetal drummers*
I think the keyword for the VST would be to "export" the kit (as opposed to drag and drop), with some on the fly re-encoding or whatever else processing needs doing to get what you've put together in your VST / standalone app, into a form that the 2box can use.

That way perhaps the editor automatically updates the .dkit database of kit settings+samples, and also drops the newly created samples into the folders (right cymbal, tom, snare etc), so you could then access them seperately within the brain too. Anyway - I think this thread is meant to be about the software running on the 2box brain, not PC/MAC software.

So my personal top 3:

1) internal metronome (with its own volume control - don't like quiet / too loud clicks)
2) inifinite (or at least 100 more) User Assignable kits - maybe with a "tagged as favourite" function so you can move your favourites to the start of the list without renaming them, for quick access
3) an "exit / cancel" button in case you hit the "save" button on the "kit" page and accidentally move the dial to another kit name, and forget what kit it is you wanted to save changes to (done that too many times...usually end up switching off and on to cancel changes)
Duly noted. PMs will be issued.
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
February 17, 2010, 09:40:45 PM
Hi there - check out - I haven't played with it for a long time - it looks like it's come a long way since then....Also you might want to check out (which bundles rosegarden in along with a bunch of other stuff).
vive la difference I say :)
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
February 17, 2010, 01:39:07 PM
Heh, fair point  :)
As I understand it, the reason the drum sample libraries are so huge is that there's a lot of redundant information - BFD2 and their ilk tend not to use Modelling per se (which is how your Roland TD-Whatever keeps its memory footprint down)....Going back to the example of the Mic Positions - on BFD2 you've got 4 main sets of mics for any given drum, and then things like bleed).  hence the huge libraries.

Once you get your "meta" kit setup just right though, exporting the sounds with perhaps 5 or 6 variants of each drum to avoid machinegunning, I should have thought with 3:1 (ish) lossless compression algorithm that's been mentioned, I don't think kits would necessarily be all that big, because they don't have to have the "dynamic" characteristics of these drum samplers.

I just think if there's going to be a Editor with this sort of gui coming from 2box, why not build it within a VST framework from the ground up?
General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Next shipment!!
February 16, 2010, 09:13:48 AM
ease off a bit Putt - this is a forum for discussion and information, not an Exclusive Owners' Club! (unless you want me to start charging an entrance fee  ;D)
I guess something that acts like BFD2 (that's the only one I've played with) - with the same sort of kit creation and tweaking capabilities, that you could use within a sequencer - if you could also save your presets / kits to the 2box brain in an easy to use interface, how cool would that be?

Not sure how feasible it would be with the current hardware though (for the more advanced features like mic positions etc - although if you could get the VST to render down your sounds on the fly to .dsnd format, that would work I expect). With a decent laptop you could create killer kits on the train home from work :)
Quote from: puttenvr on February 14, 2010, 04:46:27 PM
I want a brush(ed) light for my kick (formerly known as bass drum)
Sorry Putt, it's a bad habit I've picked up from Americans :)
However, I will never refer to it as a "drum set"  ;D
yep, and notice the long tail on the sweep sound....Not much control really. and someone could easily make a brush sweep dsnd if they really want! I'm going to add a poll to this thread - my personal view is that there are better features to be added as a priority...
That would be sweeeeeet. I'd like that, a lot.
hi there, nice pedigree :)

To get your Mac or PC to see the files on the brain, you need to press the top-left button above the screen, straight after switching it on - this puts it into "USB Mode". It should then mount as a disk on your mac / pc.

By the way, when you switch on your brain, what OS version do you see? You might want to check out the resources page for useful links to the manual, setting up etc.

General 2box Drumit 5 forum / Re: Broken rim
February 11, 2010, 08:55:27 PM
Hi KlaS - sorry to hear about your rim trouble. Did you contact the shop you got it from?
I'll bung Scott a PM about it...
Have you tried calibrating your hats and then dropping you clutch a little bit? Works for me (and it's actually forcing me to re-learn my hi-hat technique as I've been playing DD4 for too long :))